Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Westside Writers Spring 2012 Challenge

Westside Writers, a writing critique group that meets in the Reedville area of Hillsboro, issues the following challenge to other Washington County writers. Create a piece of short fiction, post it on your blog or ours, and read some other local writers' work. Don't forget to leave the author a comment letting her know you read the piece and what you thought of it. To view challenge submissions, just click here.

Here are the details:

What: Create a piece of short fiction (300 word limit) based on the following prompt (idea from How to Write a Damn Good Thriller):

Write a diary entry, first person, from your villain/antagonist's POV. They can even address the author if you want. Try to get to really know who the character is, why they are the way they are and why they chose to do the things they do. If you don't have a villain in mind, then do it from your hero/protagonist.

When: The deadline will be 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on Wednesday 23 May 2012

Who: Any resident of Washington County, Oregon or participant of a writers group that meets in Washington County, Oregon

Why: To have a bit of fun and share some of your writing with other Washington County writers and visitors to our blog (westside-writers.blogspot.com)

How: Submissions can be made either by: 1) adding your story to your blog or website, then sending a link to that post or page to WestsideWriters503@gmail.com. Please include a statement that you either live in Washington Co or attend a writers group in Washington Co, Oregon. OR 2) Email your submission to WestsideWriters503@gmail.com with a statement that it may be included on our blog (westside-writers.blogspot.com), include any identifying and copyright information you wish to have included on the blog post with your submission (name, web address or Twitter/Facebook/etc profile/name).

NOTE: Westside Writers may decide not to include your link or story if it doesn't meet any criteria listed in this post or if it violates our Taboo Topics as discussed on http://westside-writers.blogspot.com/p/about-us.html.

If you have any questions, please comment or email WestsideWriters503@gmail.com.